#NewIndianWoman podcast episode on #Anubhuti #youthleadership #discrimination #Sociallyaware

What does it take to start from a place where one is most disadvantaged at multiple fronts, to run an organization that focusses on youth leadership and community development ?
We meet Deepa Pawar, founder of Anubhuti, an organisation working in the area of Youth Leadership. She is from one of the nomadic tribes that is Economically, socially and intellectually challenged. She struggled to complete her education, started working from the age of 14 and eventually earned her post graduate degree, becoming the first person to do so from her community. She faced a lot of challenges from within her community.
She works as trainer and counsellor with the most vulnerable communities, as well as with government officials and corporates. She is a published author, poet and a member in many committees. In Anubhuti team, Deepa handles visioning, project designing, trainings, module-making, networking and advocacy. Anubhuti is formed and self-led by women, who have dealt with caste, class, gender, language and ethnicity based discrimination.
Deepa talks about the importance of youth intervention, challenges faced at the grass roots level as well as youth from privileged backgrounds, what does discrimination mean and how we may be perpetuating it, on feminism, on freedom and the importance of knowing the essence of constitution and where we could start our journey to become a socially aware citizen and encourage the youth around us in this direction.
And this is a special episode for New Indian Woman podcast as for the very first time we have a bilingual episode with Deepa talking in Hindi and me in English.
Listen on ..
And if you don’t understand Hindi at all, listen to this episode.
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What the New Indian Woman podcast is about
As you may already be aware, this podcast has 2 focus areas. One, We examine the challenges faced by today's Indian woman and proposes ACTIONABLE strategies in the Indian context, on a wide variety of topics - right from identifying their passion to better productivity and parenting. Second, We meet women who chose to aspire or have a dream beyond their defined roles and facilitates sharing of what worked and what didn’t, for them. Today's episode falls in the second category.
And in the process, my aim is to help you, The New Indian woman, to realize your potential, chase your dreams and aspirations, utilize the wonderful opportunities available in today's world.
What's in this episode:
Deepa starts with the reasons why she chose to continue in the development sector and then she talks about what Youth Leadership actually means.
Some of the questions she responds to are :
What does development mean ?
Is youth from privileged community individualistic ?
What should be our priorities ?
How privilege is relative ?
Why we should know about discrimination ?
Where does awareness start ?
Are we aware of our child's dignity ?
Are we aware of the daily violence we engage in ? How do we address this ?
What should be our approach to the mental health of the youth around us ?
What kind of issues are there in privileged classes that are not seen at grass roots level ?
She then talks about her ideas of feminism and freedom and how she loves to dream and shares her dreams, they are very different indeed! And then, she has a very special message for us..
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To Connect with the guest or to know more about Anubhuti
Website: https://www.anubhutitrust.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnubhutiTrust
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnubhutiTrust/
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