#NewIndianWoman #podcast sharing story of #revival of #ancientboardgames #ancientboardgamesstore

Hope you enjoyed the last episode where we met Sreeranjini talk about her contribution towards revival of ancient games thru the toy store Kavade and the play space, Attic.
I felt very happy to interact with her more on the challenges she faced and continues to face now. We get into her future plans - very interesting one at that!
Like many of the other inspiring women we have featured, Sreeranjini also talks with a lot of humility about the gaps she sees in herself and how that has influenced her choices. She talks about what her priorities are and how she manages to find time for this extremely challenging responsibility that she has taken up.
You will find a lot of useful inputs that you could apply to your context, from this episode. Yes, if you are interested in the topic of ancient games, you could even collaborate with Sreeranjini. Or, at the bare minimum, you could try to understand the benefits of playing these games and how it will help you and your family.
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What the New Indian Woman podcast is about
As you may already be aware, this podcast has 2 focus areas. One, We examine the challenges faced by today's Indian woman and propose ACTIONABLE strategies in the Indian context, on a wide variety of topics - right from identifying their passion to better productivity and parenting. Second, we meet women who chose to aspire or have a dream beyond their defined roles and facilitate sharing of what worked and what didn’t, for them. Today's episode falls in the second category.
And in the process, my aim is to help you, The New Indian woman, to realize your potential, chase your dreams and aspirations, utilize the wonderful opportunities available in today's world.
What's in this episode:
We start discussing about the possibility of setting up play areas like Attic, across Bengaluru and across the country. Sreeranjini admits to her not looking at this as a business, but also discusses the challenges involved in getting into a franchisee model. But talk of setting up these dedicated play areas and with full focus on the games, and she is all excited. She is keen to know people who would be open to believing this idea and ready to start something in their locality. Apparently, she has received requests from multiple parts of the country and even abroad, but she has never been able to focus on this.
She then talks about her current focus, which is to set up larger game spaces or outdoor installations in residential areas, parks and other common places. She explains how this has been achieved, with a few very interesting examples. She also talks about how children, and adults, play very much involving the natural elements around them, at these installations.
We then start talking about the challenges - right from finding the artisans to how the pandemic impacted all of the people involved in this. She also throws light on the positive side of things, highlighting how artisans are also using technology, in terms of phone and emails, to design and create handmade items. Another challenge she talks about is the very short lead time she gets when people place bulk orders. She wonders if that is in her control, how wonderful it would be if people gave her sufficient lead time, considering the nature of the work involved.
She talks about her biggest motivation and how, even when they all got Covid, they chose to play games!
She shares inputs on how interest in ancient games have picked up in the last 5-6 years.
While talking about her success mantra, she feels she is not the right person, because her days are quite haphazard! But then, we go on to identify how she has managed to prioritize her work at a certain pace, where it doesn’t get her overworked.
She then shares the intangible ways in which playing board games helps everyone and she throws questions upon the western concept of the need to understand why we are doing what we are doing. We discuss more advantages around playing these ancient games that were part of growing up and learning and then end with the request to all families to start finding time to play together!
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Please write to me at krishna@thenewindianwoman.com or reach out to our social media pages to share your views on this episode.
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To Connect with the guest
Website: www.kavade.org
Mail : kavadehive@gmail.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KavadeToyHive
The article referred in the episode - https://www.thehindu.com/society/how-kavade-brings-traditional-indian-board-games-outdoors/article36771849.ece
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