#NewIndianWoman #podcast episode on #sittilingi #communityhealth #tips #Lambadi #tribal #tribalhealthinitiative #embroidery #porgai #Finance #education #parenting

Dr.Lalitha Regi chose to live life and rear her children in a remote village. What did it mean for her, as a woman, as a mother ? And that too, while being active and busy saving the lives of hundreds of people over several villages, in so many different ways.
In Part 1, i.e., Episode 42, we talked about her engagement in the community as a medical Dr, growing a mud single room hospital to a 35 bedded Tribal Health centre, focussing on community health and then moving on to Farmers groups engaged in Organic agriculture and revival of the Lambadi art thru Porgai, thereby touching the lives of people in 20+ villages.
In reflecting on her life and the challenges she faced as well as her current dreams and aspirations, she shares important tips for all of us. If we are able to imbibe some of these into our lives, in terms of how we view challenges, how we view our finances, the struggles of daily life, our perspectives and focus on our children's education, indeed, there is a lot that can happen!!
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What the New Indian Woman podcast is about
As you may already be aware, this podcast has 2 focus areas. One, We examine the challenges faced by today's Indian woman and proposes ACTIONABLE strategies in the Indian context, on a wide variety of topics - right from identifying their passion to better productivity and parenting. Second, We meet women who chose to aspire or have a dream beyond their defined roles and facilitates sharing of what worked and what didn’t, for them. Today's episode falls in the second category.
And in the process, my aim is to help you, The New Indian woman, to realize your potential, chase your dreams and aspirations, utilize the wonderful opportunities available in today's world.
What's in this episode:
Dr. Lalitha shares it is quite natural for us to face ups and downs, but the conviction of doing right is what keeps us going. She refers to getting satisfaction out of doing right catering to the needs of others, as selfishness!
She talks about the challenges of raising children without being dependent on the larger family's support, the courage it takes to not send to school and to allow education from the larger community. She surprises us by happily sharing how she and her husband played only a small part in their children's education.
Then she talks about the financial aspects, how they were fortunate to be in a position where they just had to focus on themselves and not the larger family. At the same time she once again surprises us by sharing how they choose to use the fellowship they received to give salaries to staff. We see the positiveness in her attitude when she says there is lot of goodwill circulating - this comes from having done many projects without any finances at the start, but having surplus towards the end.
In the context of finances she shares the importance of learning to live within one's resources, focus on basic needs and how they chose not to worry about children's education, but to trust things will happen as what they were doing was right.
She talks about the need to constantly evolve, adapt, learn and how that helped her to focus on running a hospital, community health, farming, craft, business. She shares the importance of understanding what is the need and responding to the need, with focus on training oneself, to be equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills.
Once again she surprises us by her conscious choice to lead a simple life and to nurture humility - she shares the influence her father had on this decision.
She shares how she handles her bad days - yes, there is a valuable tip here, for all of us.
She then shares her current dreams and also ends the conversations with 2 strong messages for all of us, for us to implement in our life.
I enjoyed recording this episode and learnt so many valuable lessons from this one discussion. I invite you to listen to this wonderful episode.
I would love to hear feedback from you on this episode. Write to me at krishna@thenewindianwoman.com
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To know more about the hospital, Porgai and the Farming Society
To Connect with the guest
Mail to : porgai@gmail.com
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